I’ve been working as a designer for more than a decade now, so naturally I’ve gathered plenty of outputs and exports to show up for it. However, as most of you would relate, it’s very difficult to select a few jpegs to represent yourself.
Below you’ll find pictures, that may seem to be taken out of context, and that’s because they are, but nevertheless, they’re the ones I’ve chosen, so please take a look-see. 
Here’s a print me and Barbora Ivanova did for the Cannes Young Lions competition. It has won, and we got to go on the beach that year. Yay.

Another Cannes print from years back. Bronze this time, no beach, but still a very fun experience.

This vector “glass dummy tit” was developed by me to star in a poster for an Innovation Conference in Prague. You’d be right to be wondering “Why?”, but it would take a while to explain. 
For this project, the client has decided that there’s no need to photograph anything, as they have plenty of pictures on their website already, and the rest can easily be found on the internet. Well, they weren’t wrong!
A small humorous magazine about Moldova I made for fun. It explores fake events and was designed to ride the line between an internet hoax and actual Moldovan news article. It has proven my theory that absolutely anyone can write a post, copy the tone and visual of an average e-news source, and most people will believe anything. 

A bit of photo retouching and manipulation for a czech coffee brand.

I made this poster for the "Dream Scenario" localization for Czech market. In the spirit of full disclosure, I was not involved in making the Minions or Titanic posters.

Oftentimes I try myself in motion design. Here’s a banner I made for a board game I’ve created a couple years ago.

And many many more.
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